Sound Healing

Resonate. Restore. Renew.

Ancient Healing Art, Backed by Science

Curious to experience effortless meditation and intentional rest that can nurture your mind, body, and spirit?

Simply Lie Down & Enjoy

Simply Lie Down & Enjoy

Immersive journey into the healing power of sound

ready to sooth your nervous system, reduce stress, increase sleep quality, and enhance your mental health?

Sound Healing Benefits

Stress Reduction & Relaxation

The soothing vibrations can help calm the mind and induce a state of deep relaxation, activating parasympathetic (rest & digest) nervous system, therefore lowering stress levels

Improved Sleep

The unique sound frequencies, such as binaural beats, produced can guide the brain into alpha (relaxed), theta (meditative) and delta (deep sleep) states. These states can lead to better quality sleep & more restful nights.

Pain Management

Many studies have shown music and sound therapy can help manage pain and reduce anxiety by releasing pain-reducing neurochemicals such as endorphins.

Improved Mental Health

Sound healing has been linked to improvements in various mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression by regulating hormones and facilitate a relaxation response.

Enhanced Concentration & Cognition

Sound therapy can improve focus and cognitive functions. E.g.: binaural beats can enhance concentration and memory by entraining brain waves to frequencies associated with alertness.

Emotional Healing

Soothing sounds can create a safe environment for individuals to explore and express emotions, helping people process and release emotions that may be stored in the body.

How Does Sound Healing Work?

  • Sound is primal, and serves as a universal language that resonates with everyone. It's hard to find someone who doesn't appreciate music in some form.

  • Sound healing has been an integral part of various ancient civilizations, including the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, and Tibetans, not to mention numerous aboriginal cultures dating back as far as 40,000 years.

  • The essence of sound healing lies in the synergy of healing vibrations, combined with both the practitioner's and the recipient's intentions, leading to homeostasis—an optimal state of internal balance and harmony.

  • A state of harmony, characterized by ease and joy, is our natural way of life. In this sense, sound healing can guide us back to our inherent state of well-being.

What is the science behind sound healing?

In a nutshells, sound healing instruments create unique sound frequencies that calm the brain and guide the brain into slower brainwaves through brainwave entrainment and vibrational resonance. If you are curious about the each scientific phenomena, see right hand side (or below on mobile).

The best way to understand the science is through embodied experience! ;) Come experience the sound healing for your journey, and see how your body respond!

  • At its core, sound healing is based on the concept of vibrational resonance. This idea that everything in the universe, including our bodies, has a natural resonant frequency. When exposed to external vibrations, such as those produced by singing bowls, our cells and tissues can resonate with these frequencies, promoting a sense of balance and relaxation.

  • Sound healing instruments can create binaural beats, an auditory illusions created when two slightly different frequencies are presented separately to each ear. The brain perceives a third frequency, correspond to specific mental states. Sound healing targets to help clients tap into delta & theta hz to promote restoration & relaxation

    * Delta (0.5-4 Hz): Associated with deep sleep and relaxation

    * Theta (4-8 Hz): Linked to deep meditation and creativity

    * Alpha (8-13 Hz): Indicative of relaxed and alert states

    * Beta (13-30 Hz): Associated with wakefulness and active thinking

  • Sound can influence brain activity. Research has shown that certain sound frequencies can entrain brainwave patterns, meaning they can synchronize with the brain's natural frequencies.

    For instance, low-frequency sounds like drumming may encourage a shift towards relaxed states, such as theta or delta brainwaves, associated with deep relaxation and meditation. Research published in "Neuropsychologia" demonstrated that rhythmic stimuli could entrain cortical brainwave patterns, positively affecting perception and attention.

  • The impact of music and sound on psychological states and emotional responses is well-documented in scientific literature. Research has demonstrated that music can significantly affect stress levels, mood, and emotional well-being.

    For instance, a study published in "Heart & Lung: The Journal of Cardiopulmonary and Acute Care" found that listening to music could reduce anxiety and improve physiological responses such as heart rate and blood pressure in patients with coronary heart disease.

    Have you met anyone who doesn’t like music? ;)


  • Private 1:1 Session

    On-going or one-off 1: 1 session. Feel free to bring your partner for a couples session

    Energetic Exchange:

  • Private Group Session

    Special occasions, such as Birthday, Bachelorette, or simply a group self-care day?

    Energetic Exchange:
    Stating at $333

  • Corporate Session

    On-going corporate wellness offering, or company offsite, conference or wellness days.

    Energetic Exchange:
    Based on Group Size

Love Notes

“Sound healing with Mary was an ethereal experience. I had read about, NSDR (Non sleep deep rest) before, this was the first time I was able to experience it. I came out feeling energetic and well rested after the session.”

— Al F. Engineer

My sound healing session with Mary was a surreal experience. I felt the sound waves wash over me, every molecule of my body vibrating to the resonance of the bowls. The bowls emanated ethereal yet calming notes that made me relax and I felt a wonderful sense of lightness. With my eyes closed, it felt like I was transported to a different world where my visions were painted only by the sounds and my imagination. It was one of the most unique experiences I’ve had in my life and I came out of the session feeling very relaxed and in someways learning more about myself. Mary is an excellent guide and her sound bath will make you float in the ocean of sound.

— Sajan S. Physicist

Sound healing is such a relaxing, cathartic experience. Mary “Tian Tian” is a wonderful guide, and her warm, calming energy really invites you into the space. Whether you need a release from stress, or just enjoy the soothing sounds from the singing bowls - either way it’s a delight every time. I always come out of the sessions well-rested, relaxed, and sometimes enlightened. In the day to day, it can be easy to get caught up in the “busy bandwagon”, sound healing gives an opportunity to let go of the minute stressors in your life and really fall into yourself. I always feel safe, comfortable, and guided by Tian Tian - her light influences every one she meets. Highly recommend trying sound healing for the first time, or incorporating it as part of your monthly wellness investment.

— Emmy F. Product Designer

“I felt like my body went into a deep state of detox and relaxation after my sound bath experience with Mary. My body was in REM mode, and my mind was drifting in a dream like state. I woke up extremely energized, light and more focused than ever. I was very happy with the way I felt physically and mentally, and recommend it to any stressful person looking to relax and ease the mind and return to the present moment.”

— Fiona D. Musician

Mary brought so much wisdom, compassion and peace to the process, that as someone who was once a skeptic, I can now humbly say how transformative the experience was. I found a deeper connection with my thoughts and my body as the sounds Mary created filled the spaces in and around me. It was both grounding and liberating, and really, an amazing experience. Mary has a unique gift and I hope more people find her in their healing journey!

— Rezma S. R&D Scientist

A gratifying and fulfilling experience. Mary is well equipped with everything needed to transform her into an alchemist of sounds. Everyone has their own way of feeling the vibrations, mine felt close to a yogi nidra, and ended up snoring- it felt that good. You can clearly tell that Mary loves what she does, and she is eager to help people with her knowledge. Highly recommend.

— Sandeep, Engineer

“I have had three sound healing sessions with Mary, and each one was amazing! I struggle with overthinking and racing thoughts and have tried various forms of meditation, but none have been as effective as sound healing. During each session, I was able to truly step away from my worries and connect with my body in the present moment. I highly recommend this experience with Mary to everyone!”

— Salina H. Recruiting Analyst

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To ensure an optimal experience, we suggest you:

    • Wear comfortable, loose cozy clothing

    • If you are attending a public session, please bring a yoga mat, blanket, eye mask. These will be provided during a private small group session

    • Drink water and herbal tea to stay hydrated prior to your appointment as sound travels 5x faster in water. Tea service can be provided to private small group sessions prior and after the sound bath for an additional fee. This can be done on the appointment screen

    • Come with an open mind!

  • During a sound healing session, various experiences and sensations may arise, depending on the individual and the nature of the session. Here are some things that might come up during a sound healing journey:

    • Deep Relaxation: Many participants experience a profound sense of relaxation during a sound healing session. Your body and mind may enter a state of deep calm, and you might feel tension melting away

    • Emotional Release: Sound healing can sometimes bring up emotions that have been buried or suppressed. You may find yourself experiencing feelings of sadness, joy, or even memories from the past. This emotional release can be therapeutic and healing

    • Vibrational Sensations: The vibrations produced by the sound instruments can be physically felt in your body. You might sense tingling, warmth, or a feeling of energy moving within you

    • Heightened Awareness: Some people report an increased awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations during sound healing. It can be an opportunity for self-reflection and insight

    • Mental Clarity: As your mind becomes more relaxed, you may find that you gain mental clarity and perspective on certain aspects of your life. Solutions to problems or creative ideas may surface.

    • Sense of Floating: Participants often describe a feeling of floating or weightlessness during a sound healing session, as if they are transcending physical boundaries

    • Intuition and Insights: Sound healing can enhance your intuition and inner wisdom. You may receive insights or guidance on personal issues or decisions

    • Healing and Transformation: Over time, consistent sound healing practice can lead to personal growth, healing of emotional wounds, and a greater sense of well-being

    It's important to remember that everyone's experience during sound healing is unique. Some people may have several of these experiences, while others may have a more subtle or less eventful session. Whatever comes up for you during sound healing, it's all part of the healing and self-discovery process. It's advisable to approach each session with an open mind and without specific expectations, allowing the experience to unfold naturally.

  • Many instruments are often used during a sound healing journey, such as crystal singing bowls, tank drums, and even our voices! These sounds resonate with specific frequencies associated with different parts of the body and help release emotions.

  • Currently, the sound healing journeys will take place in a private studio in Redwood City, California. You can also choose to experience the journey at the comfort of your home with an additional fee for travel & setup time.

At times, I will offer public group sound bath journeys to make sound healing accessible to everyone. See below or events page for upcoming public sound baths.

Public Group Sound Bath