Tian Tian Creations

As a child, when faced with the timeless inquiry, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Tian Tian consistently answered, "An artist." Over the years, her art classes gave way to English and STEM courses, dimming her artistic pursuits.

It wasn't until her 30s, after embarking on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, that Tian Tian reignited the profound joy and liberating sense of freedom that creative expression brings. This introspective period was pivotal; she learned to be less in her head and more in tune with the wisdom of her body, heart, and soul. Knowing who she is allowed her to express herself more freely and authentically, melting away her artistic block.

Today, she stands as an interdisciplinary artist, delving into a wide spectrum of mediums such as ceramics, watercolor, calligraphy, shibori indigo dye, and more, embodying the full expression of her creative spirit with flow and ease.

"The true work of art is but a reflection of the divine perfection"