Human Design

A Navigation Tool for Self-Discovery

Are you ready to uncover the deepest truths of your being and navigate life with more ease and authenticity? Human Design offers a profound system for understanding your unique nature, blending ancient wisdom with modern insights to guide you on a journey of self-discovery.

What is Human Design?

In essence, Human Design is a self-discovery tool. It helps answers the timeless questions all mortals come to ponder:

  • Who am I? 

  • Why am I here? 

  • What is my purpose?

  • How do I start living in alignment with my purpose?

On a deeper level, Human Design is a comprehensive navigational tool for life that offers a 'blueprint' of your unique nature, or your soul’s blueprint. Based on your birth data— time, date, and place —it reveals your personal design: karmic lessons, gifts in this life time. Are you ready to meet yourself?


  • Level 1 Reading

    This is the perfect starting point if you are new to human design and want to learn the foundational elements of your design. The Level 1 reading will be a 45-60m LIVE Zoom session covering your energy type, strategy, authority, not self-theme and signature theme.

    Energetic Exchange: $222
    (Sliding Scale $111-$333)

  • Level 2 Reading

    Please only book this reading if you have 1) already completed a Level 1 reading with me, OR 2) have full confidence in your understanding of your type, strategy, authority, not-self, and signature theme. The Level 2 reading will be a 45-60m LIVE zoom session delves further into your design, covering your profile, incarnation cross and channels.

    Energetic Exchange: Stating at $288
    (Sliding Scale $144-$432)

  • Level 1 & 2 Reading

    A full 90m reading on your energy type, strategy, authority, not self/signature theme, profile, channel and incarnation cross.

    Energetic Exchange: $444
    (Sliding Scale $222-$666)

What will my 1:1 readings entail?

  • This is the perfect starting point if you are new to human design and want to learn the foundational elements of your design. The Level 1 reading will be a LIVE 45-60 minute Zoom session covering:

    • Energy Type: understand what your unique energetic blueprint looks like and how it feels in your body

    • Strategy: learn how to live in alignment with your energy type

    • Authority: guidance on how you are meant to make major decisions in your life

    • Not-Self Theme: recognize the feedback & response you get when you are veering away from true path

    • Signature Theme: identify the unique signals you will receive when living in alignment to your path

    As this reading contains a lot of information, I suggest everyone take their time to digest the information provided. To support you with this process, after our session, I will send:

    • A recorded Zoom session of our reading (recommended to rewatch 2-4 weeks post-reading)

    • Your personal body graph along with a detailed report on your design in a Notion doc

    • Journal prompts designed to help you digest, reflect, integrate, so you can start living in accordance with your design and in full alignment with your soul’s purpose ✨

    Energetic exchange: $222

    I offer sliding scale rates of $111-333 depending on your financial resources. For those who can, please consider giving more and provide access of healing to more people. For those who have less, please email me or DM me on instagram @tiantian.wellness to receive a discount code.

    Note that the cost of the reading reflects the 2-4 hours of preparation I put in to get ready for our session. Due to the nature of this service, refunds are not available.

    Please allow 1-2 weeks after our live session for me to finalize the detailed report on your design.

  • Please only book this reading if you have 1) already completed a Level 1 reading with me, OR 2) have full confidence in your understanding of your type, strategy, authority, not-self, and signature theme. The Level 2 reading will be a LIVE 45-60 minute zoom session delves further into your design, covering:

    • Profile: the distinct manner in which you manifest your soul’s purpose, both consciously and subconsciously

    • Incarnation Cross: unveil your life’s work and the unique purpose you're set to fulfill in this lifetime

    • Channels: insight into your soul’s distinct karmic gifts and challenges for this life

    As this reading contains a lot of information, I suggest everyone take their time to digest the information provided. To support you with this process, after our session, I will send:

    • A recorded Zoom session of our reading (recommended to rewatch 2-4 weeks post-reading)

    • Your personal body graph along with a detailed report on your design in a Notion doc

    • Journal prompts designed to help you digest, reflect, integrate, so you can start living in accordance with your design and in full alignment with your soul’s purpose ✨

    Energetic exchange: $288

    I offer sliding scale rates of $144-432 depending on your financial resources. For those who can, please consider giving more and provide access of healing to more people. For those who have less, please email me or DM me on instagram @tiantian.wellness to receive a discount code.

    Note that the cost of the reading reflects the 2-4 hours of preparation I put in to get ready for our session. Due to the nature of this service, refunds are not available.

    Please allow 1-2 weeks after our live session for me to finalize the detailed report on your design.

  • See descriptions above for details.

    Energetic exchange: $444 ($66 discount)

    I offer sliding scale rates of $222-666 depending on your financial resources. For those who can, please consider giving more and provide access of healing to more people. For those who have less, please email me or DM me on instagram @tiantian.wellness to receive a discount code.

    Note that the cost of the reading reflects the 2-4 hours of preparation I put in to get ready for our session. Due to the nature of this service, refunds are not available.

    Please allow 1-2 weeks after our live session for me to finalize the detailed report on your design.

  • Before your reading, I will ask a few questions in the intake form about yourself, what season of life you are in, and what you questions you are asking in addition to your birth information, as a way to prepare your reading. It takes me 2-4 hours to study and prepare your unique reading and getting to know you in a soul-level.

    During the reading, we will have a live 45-60 minutes zoom call (or in person), where we go over your reading and help you process what you’ve learned! The reading will either be level 1 or 2, depending on your understanding of the Human Design system.

    After the reading, you will receive a recorded Zoom session of your reading (recommended to rewatch 2-4 weeks post-reading), your personal body graph along with a detailed report on your design in a Notion doc, and journal prompts designed specifically for you, to help you digest, reflect, integrate!

    By understanding your design, it is my hope that you can start living in accordance with your design and in full alignment with your soul’s purpose! ✨

Love Notes

My Human Design experience with Mary was validating, educational, empowering and expansive. I learned so much about myself and felt like I was radiating with confidence and optimism after the call, ready to live my purpose in alignment with my most authentic self. 10/10 would recommend and can't wait to dive deeper! (Amanda, 4/6 Manifestor)

As an engineer, I’m usually quite skeptical of such reading. So hearing this for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised how well the reading resonated with me, and how insightful it was. This was a very positive experience like having a fun conversation with a friend. Mary was very friendly, positive, and professional. I highly recommend you give it a try. (5/1 Generator)

Human Design is super complex and dense but Mary was able to synthesize it all into layman’s terms so that I can actually understand my design and not be confused by all the jargon and esotericism associated with it. The reading was very intriguing and offered me lots of insights about myself! Definitely worth taking some time to find out what you are and reflect on yourself!  (Gigi, 1/3 Generator)

First timer at human design, I was skeptical and nervous as I wasn’t familiar with the system and didn’t know what to expect! However, Mary draws you in with her knowledge and excitement and makes the entire experience interesting and easy to understand. Really insightful experience if you are looking to gain self awareness and clarity.
(Han, 2/5 Projector)

Mary has helped me with certain tools to understand myself much better, which I am so grateful for. From an energizing wellness and meditation retreat to human design chart reading, she comes in with a compassionate and guiding heart to uplift any person in becoming the best version of themselves. I’ve learned to be kinder to myself, accept that I do particular things because it’s in me to, and that everyone is going at their own pace. (Fiona, 6/2 Manifesting Generator)