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Inner Homecoming: #3 Healing with Ancestral Blessings & Grief Ceremony

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Join us for a self-discovery journey with our series: Inner Homecoming: Finding Your Way to Ancestral Honoring Practices.

In this thirds workshop of the series: Ancestral Blessings and Grief Ceremony, we will cocreate an container of honoring our ancestral lineages and allowing the flow of grief and love in the format of an in person collective ancestral ceremony.

*** Address will be share AFTER REGISTRATION

Is This Workshop Right for You?
If you're drawn to the idea of creating a dedicated meeting space for ancestral honor and are curious about the deeper connections within your family lineage, this workshop is designed for you. It's ideal for those seeking to integrate ancestral wisdom into their daily lives and spiritual practices.

Workshop Overview:

Part 1: Introduction

  • group introductions and introductions to the work

  • understand different elements to ancestral honoring ritual in the context of Eastern and indigenous traditions as well as our personal journeys

Part 2: Ancestral Circle Cocreation and Ancestral Mini Constellation

  • cocreate a group circle by naming our ancestors and place ancestral offerings to a collective altar

  • tap into a somatic felt sense of your ancestors through an Ancestral Constellation exercise. This powerful practice helps illuminate a direct connection with those who came before you, how they feel toward, how to best align a relationship with them

Part 3: Ceremony

  • group ceremony: centering cycle of life, releasing grief and receiving blessings

  • cocreate a circle of introduction, inquiry, discussion and ritual that holds everyone and our ancestor lineages present

Part 4: Sound Bath Journey: Integration & Effortless Meditation

  • energetically integrate by simply lying down and enjoy the effortless meditation through a journey of sounds

WHO this workshop series is for?

  • Anyone on a quest for deeper self-understanding and clarity about your purpose and your place in the world

  • Anyone who feel a deeper calling to connect with your roots and find ancestral belonging

  • Anyone who is interested in realigning with right relationship with our ancestors and the world around us

  • Anyone who is curious to establish a personal Ancestral Practice that feels authentic, connecting and supportive to YOU which may or may not diverge from, draw inspirations from, entrain with, or integrates various cultural, spiritual and religious practices

What is this workshop series NOT about?

  • This is NOT a workshop that subscribes to a fixed way of connecting and honoring our ancestors

  • This is NOT a workshop that strictly adhere to one cultural and spiritual ancestral lineage practice

  • This is NOT a workshop that teaches genealogy research or requires you to know your ancestry

  • This is NOT an ancestral trauma healing group therapy

  • This is NOT only for Chinese-lineage folks, although both facilitators come from Chinese-lineages

You don't need to attend previous workshops to be able to particpate in this workshop.

About the Series
"Inner Homecoming: Finding Your Way to Ancestral Honoring Practices" is a deeply enriching series designed for those seeking to forge a deeper connection with their roots and discover the profound impact of ancestral honoring on personal growth and healing. Through a carefully curated journey of four workshops, participants will explore the multifaceted dimensions of ancestral work, from understanding its foundational principles, connecting directly with our ancestors, to integrating these practices into their daily lives.

  • Workshop 1: Foundations of Ancestral Work (Thursday 4/4 6:30-9PM, Online)

  • Workshop 2: Deepening Ancestral Connections & Altar Work (Sunday 4/14, 10:00-1:00PM Online)

  • Workshop 3: Healing with Ancestral Blessings & Grief Ceremony (Sunday, 4/21 1-6PM, Oakland)

  • Integration Call: Crafting Your Personal Ancestral Practice & Community Integration (Sunday, 4/28 6-8PM Online)

Each of the 3 workshops in this series both stand alone as a unique event and build on top of each other. You can buy tickets and attend for just one workshop, or you may purchase a discounted package for all 3 workshops + integration call for this series.

About the Facilitators

Xuel Sun (she/her) is a bilingual/bicultural psychotherapist-healer, facilitator and intuitive guide based in Berkeley, CA. Her fascination with ancestral lands, spirits and honoring practices started when she grew up in Nanjing, China and unfolded as she moved to California at age 17, lived in Hawaii during Covid, conducted field research in Bali and Yunnan and started creating ancestral honoring workshop in 2021.

Her background in Eastern and Indigenous wisdom traditions deeply informs her work. Her workshops and psychotherapy practice aim to serve the earth community by weaving together ecological and collective healing, social change, magic, and the arts. more:

Tian Tian (she/her) is an artist and healing artist. At age 11, Tian Tian immigrated to the US from China and adopted the name Mary. Her path since then has been one of high achievement and external success, from an Ivy League school to Wall Street and Silicon Valley, epitomizing the immigrant's pursuit of the "American Dream." Yet, amidst these accolades, she yearned for more meaning and soul fulfillment.

In her journey of self-discovery, Tian Tian reconnected with her Chinese heritage, reclaimed her Chinese name and ultimately gained clarity of her soul’s purpose. Now, as an artist and healing artist, Tian Tian uses holistic healing modalities rooted in Chinese traditions, such as sound healing, yin/Daoist yoga, breathwork, human design, and art therapy, to help others to connect to the wisdom of their body, heart, and soul. Her mission is to guide others in gaining awareness of who they are, uncovering their unique gifts, so that their lives can flow with ease and joy. more:

April 19

Sound Healing, Yoga Nidra & CommuniTEA @Peacebank

April 28

Inner Homecoming: #4 Crafting Your Personal Ancestral Practice & Community Integration