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Inner Homecoming: #1 Foundations of Ancestral Work

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Join us for a self-discovery journey with our series: Inner Homecoming: Finding Your Way to Ancestral Honoring Practices.

The first workshop of the series: Foundations of Ancestral Work, we will learn what ancestral work entails, and why it is pivotal in our journey of self-discovery and healing. Begin your exploration with an assessment of your ancestral lineage, opening the doors to the stories and legacies that have shaped you.

This workshop is an open invitation for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of themselves, explore the nuances of their identity, and uncover the unseen influences that shape their life's narrative. Whether you're at a crossroads, seeking deeper self-awareness, or simply curious about the untold stories within you, this series offers valuable insights.

Is This Workshop Right for You?

  • Are you on a quest for deeper self-understanding and clarity about your purpose and your place in the world?

  • Do you feel a deeper calling to connect with your roots in a way that enlightens your personal journey?

  • Are you open to exploring the hidden influences that have shaped your journey so far?

  • Do you believe in the power of understanding your past to create a more meaningful future?

If these questions spark a sense of curiosity and recognition, this workshop is meant for you.

Part 1: What is ancestral work and why do we do it?

The initial segment of "Inner Homecoming" delves into the essence of ancestral work and its pivotal role in self-discovery. We'll explore what ancestral work entails, why it's a crucial component of understanding ourselves, and how our forebears' legacies, wisdom, and unresolved narratives influence our present and future. This discussion will not only shed light on the importance of connecting with our roots but also equip you with articulating the “why” for this sacred exploration.

Part 2: Experiential Ancestral Lineage Assessment & Discussion

In the second segment, we transition to a more hands-on approach, guiding you through an experiential exploration of the ancestral influences that have shaped you. This part of the workshop is designed to help you connect with your ancestors. Through interactive activities, small group discussions and large group shares, you'll gain insights into your unique story, helping you to understand yourself better and navigate your path with greater awareness.

About the Series

"Inner Homecoming: Finding Your Way to Ancestral Honoring Practices" is a deeply enriching series designed for those seeking to forge a deeper connection with their roots and discover the profound impact of ancestral honoring on personal growth and healing. Through a carefully curated journey of four workshops, participants will explore the multifaceted dimensions of ancestral work, from understanding its foundational principles, connecting directly with our ancestors, to integrating these practices into their daily lives.

  • Workshop 1: Foundations of Ancestral Work (Thursday 4/4 6:30-9PM, Online)

  • Workshop 2: Deepening Ancestral Connections & Altar Work (Sunday 4/14, 10:00-1PM Online)

  • Workshop 3: Healing with Ancestral Blessings & Grief Ceremony (Sunday, 4/21 12:30-5:30PM, Oakland)

  • Integration Call: Crafting Your Personal Ancestral Practice & Community Integration (Sunday, 4/28 6-8PM Online)

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